A Burnining Spirit


How to Act Like a True Christian – Digging Deep Into Romans 12:9-21

“Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor;
be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.
Romans 12:11 (Amplified)

Ask the Spirit to guide you as you read God’s word for today. Remember to read the entire passage.
Romans 12:11

roamsn 12.11 notecard


  • Romans 12:11 tells us exactly how we should serve the Lord. Write it down.
  • What does service with a glowing & burning Spirit look like to you?
  • You have been baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire (Luke 3:17) Are you serving that way?
  • This isn’t about serving because you should, or serving because it looks good, or serving with a no effort because you signed up. NO! Why do we serve (Matthew 5:16)?
  • When you serve with enthusiasm and love you bring God glory. Service doesn’t necessarily mean heading to the soup kitchen (though this is a wonderful act of service). You can serve the Lord many ways (Colossians 3:23) – write down some ways you serve the Lord in your everyday life.
  • This verse really reflects on our attitude of service… it reminds me of the Third Day song, “Soul on Fire” .  Write down your reaction.


When we choose to enthusiastically serve the Lord we an bring glory to God and shine the light and love of Jesus in this dark world! Lord may you give each of us a soul on fire for you! Praying for you!